10 Tips To Save The Earth & Environment | 10 Tips

It is not just our responsibility to take care of Earth, but a privilege; and easier than it seems. There are little things that you can do every day to save the Earth and the environment. After all, it is our only home. Greenhouse gases and non-biodegradable waste are the major causes of environmental pollution and global warming. Start by taking small steps and following these 10 Tips To Save The Earth.

These steps can be accommodated in our daily lives, like decreasing the water and energy consumption, changing transportation habits. There are environment-friendly alternatives to everything, we just have to make an effort to notice them. Scientists have predicted that it will soon be too late to save the Earth. We have to start NOW!

1. Use Reusable Bags

Reusable Bags

If we can carry a 150 g mobile phone with us, we can definitely carry a 5g reusable bag! Plastic bags suffocate animals who mistakenly eat them as food or get stuck in them. It takes A LOT of time for plastic bags to decompose and as a result, they fill up land and water bodies. The next time you’re out shopping; don’t forget to take your jute or cloth bag with you! Reusable bags will help save the earth as well as your budget.

2. Print Only When Necessary


Paper is detrimental to the environment as well (Shocking, eh?). We are living in a digital age and can access any piece of information on our phones and laptops. Use an eBook instead of getting a physical book and try to print as little as possible. Print on both sides of the paper if it is necessary.

3. Use Reusable Beverage Containers

Reusable Beverage Containers

We often buy coffee and bottled water. Rather than buying individually-packaged drinks, try buying a bulk container and a reusable water bottle. This will help save the earth AND your pocket as bottled water is costlier than filtered water!

4. Save Electricity

Save Electricity

Consider using energy-efficient LED bulbs rather than regular bulbs. They use less power and will last you longer. Make sure you turn off the electrical appliances and the lights when you are not using them. Open your windows instead of turning on the AC. It will make a big difference, trust us.

5. Carpool When Possible


Cars emit several greenhouse gases and cause air pollution and increase global warming. Avoid taking a car to your workplace/school and opt for a carpool if possible. You can take public transport or walk to the place. This way you will get some exercise and save the earth, too. It will be cheaper than taking your car to work every single day. And if you really can’t do without a car, well, get an electric one, dear friend. It will also inspire others to go the same way. That is also a  way of contributing to this critical cause.

6. Avoid Straws and Stirrers

Avoid Straws and Stirrers

138 billion straws and stirrers get thrown away every year. Avoid using the stirrers as they are not only bad for the environment but also waste money. You can use a spoon to stir, then wash and reuse it.

7. Use Rechargeable Batteries

Use Rechargeable Batteries

Throw away batteries contain extremely harmful and damaging corrosive acids which erode the soil when thrown away. You can use rechargeable batteries instead. This way, you will never be out of batteries when in need. Though even a rechargeable battery will run out its course, it will save money for you in the long run, besides being nature-friendly.

8. Close The Tap

Close The Tap

While brushing teeth, we often leave the tap open. Turn it off while soaping hands or brushing and save water. Avoid bathtubs and instead, take showers. A bathtub uses twice as much water. This will decrease your water consumption and save almost 50% off your water bill (now we’re talking!). And if you want to do one better, use only a couple of buckets of water for your bath and avoid the shower as well. It will further reduce water usage by 50% more from the remaining. This will make the water bill a quarter of the current amount (ain’t that cool!?).

9. Stop Littering

Stop Littering

Littering has been a BIG problem, always! We throw away the wrappers of chips and other similar stuff on the streets that clog the drains. It is unhygienic and should be avoided at all costs! Many health hazards are caused due to this, particularly in India.

10. Educate and Protest

Educate and Protest

Lastly, educate others about the problems and the dangers if necessary. We function as a society and society doesn’t work with the efforts of just a single person. We work together to achieve a common goal. Saving the environment is a global cause and everyone needs to work towards it, including the government and other bodies. We have to protest and raise awareness in order to achieve what we want. Many countries have made several laws to help combat this issue, it is our turn now!

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