10 Things To Do On World Photography Day 2019 | 10 Tips

Photography enthusiasts, it’s your day! August 19th, World Photography Day is finally here. World Photography Day is a special occasion for photographers and we should find special ways to celebrate it. Here are 10 tips for you to celebrate the day. Grab a planner, write them down and cross them off as you go through your plans for the day.


1. Visit a Photogenic Location

World Photography Day | Photogenic Location

Those who are interested in landscape photographing can go to a photogenic place and try capturing new shots. Planet Earth has many beautiful locations. You can find picturesque places in your city and go for a photoshoot session. This Photography Day, have a walk around your town along with your camera and you’ll shoot pictures that you haven’t before. Trying new angles would be the cherry on the cake, forcing you to be creative! 


2. Start a 365 Project

World Photography Day| 365 Project

365 days feel like a long time but once you start the project, you will get addicted to it. It is not an easy task, but think about the end product, all the pictures and memories you will have after the project is over. World photography day is the perfect day to start the project. You can even try it with fellow photographers who will keep you accountable.


3. Start a Photography Blog

World Photography Day | Photography Blog

Do you want to share your craft with the world? What better way to do it through other than a blog? Blogs are getting extremely popular and you better jump in the field before it gets saturated. You can post pictures on Instagram and Pinterest, sure, but through blogs, you can create a story of your own, have your name up there and mark your presence. You can also show it as a portfolio if you ever want a project in future. On World Photography Day, take a step closer to your dream and vision.


4.  Throw A Party 

World Photography Day | Throw A Party


Not like we need an excuse, but World Photography Day is a great one to have a party! You can have your fellow photographers and friends over and do so many amazing things. People can showcase their photographs on a screen and even have a photo session of friends.


5. Go For Photo Walks

World Photography Day | Photo Walks


If you’re not the party type, you can always head out for a photo walkathon with some of your close friends. Offer them photo sessions at different intriguing locations and refine your skill of photography. If you’re not into taking photographs, invite your ‘DSLR wala friend’ and have post ready pictures!


6. Watch Photography Movies

World Photography Day | Photography movies

Have you lost count of your to-watch movies? Then World Photography Day is the perfect day to catch up on forgotten movies and documentaries based on photography. If you don’t have a list of movies to watch already, you can start with the below-mentioned ones:

  • Bill Cunningham New York (A movie about a New York City fashion photographer)
  • City of God ( A movie about two boys from Rio de Janeiro, one becomes a photographer and the other one a drug dealer)
  • Blowup  ( A story about a London photographer who finds something suspicious about his subject)
  • The Salt of the Earth (The life and work of photographer Sebastião Salgado)
  • Finding Vivian Maier ( A documentary on the late Vivian Maier. One of the most accomplished street photographers.)
  • Tales by Light ( A National Geographic TV series follows photographers from Australia around the world to tell the story behind each shot.)


7. Take a Selfie

World Photography Day | Take a selfie


If you’re the one always behind the camera, take this moment to acknowledge yourself and take a picture of yourself. You are gonna be the most obedient model of yours! If you find posing awkward or if you are out of ideas, just google once and you’ll have it there. Grab this World Photography Day for self-care.


8. Bake Cookies

World Photography Day | Camera cookies | Bake

If you love cooking and baking then World Photography Day is the perfect day to combine your love for cooking and photography. Give cookies the shape of camera, lenses and tripods. Perhaps it will come handy in your party for the day! 


9. Get Outside of Your Comfort Zone

World Photography Day | Get outside of your comfort zone

‘You have to be comfortable in being uncomfortable’ is the success mantra, whichever field you might be in. Take this World Photography Day as a chance of getting out of your comfort zone. Try photographing something that is completely out of your genre. If you are a portrait photographer, try landscape or streets. The more you push yourself, the closer you get to success. And maybe you will enjoy the experience as well.


10. Follow Inspirational Photographers

World Photography Day | Follow inspirational photographers
Andres Gamiz

Talented photographers are all over the world. You have to find them and take the inspiration and motivation for your own craft. The photography community is kind and amazing. There are all kinds of photographers, master of their own niche.  


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